1 E27
LED Bulb up to 10W
Dimensions (cm)
Dome upper Diameter 3 x bottom Diameter 16 x Height 18
Canopy Width 13 x Height 17.5
Length canopy rod 20
Length dome rod 83
Total Height 105
* Dimensions in centimeters (cm).
Customization Options: color* and wires.
*Standard: inner dome matte white color.
Brushed or polished rods with painted dome and canopy or totally polished or totally brushed aluminum lamp. Direct connection to the electric current.
Voltage: 127V/220V. Indoor use.
Available Colors
Total or Rods
*Standart: black wire for total brushed or polished aluminum and brown wire for other total colors.
Alumínio Lixado / Brushed Aluminum
Alumínio Polido / Polished Aluminum
Champagne Lixado / Brushed Champagne
Champagne Polido / Polished Champagne
Cobre Lixado / Brushed Copper
Cobre Polido / Polished Copper
Dourado Lixado / Brushed Golden
Dourado Polido / Polished Golden
Ônix Lixado / Brushed Onyx
Ônix Polido / Polished Onyx
Outer Dome and Ceiling Canopy
Areia / Sand (Fio Branco / White Wire)
Azul Safira / Sapphire Blue (Fio Preto / Black Wire)
Branco Fosco / Matte White (Fio Branco / White Wire)
Café Fosco / Matte Coffee (Fio Marrom / Brown Wire)
Castanho / Brown (Fio Marrom / Brown Wire)
Dourado Mate / Matte Golden (Fio Marrom / Brown Wire)
Grafite / Graphite (Fio Preto / Black Wire)
Preto Fosco / Matte Black (Fio Preto / Black Wire)
Foto 5 > Mostra Mais Sustentável 2019 - Ambiente: Quarto Baia do Sancho - Projeto: Lídia Baratella, Juliana Pires e Bruna Ferraresi - Fotos: Miro Martins